Model United Nations ( MUN) is a platform which simulates the working and functioning of the United Nations and is a great learning platform for today's students. Students represent different nations as delegates and understand the complexities of diplomacy and negotiating. The main goal of an MUN is to increase international understanding and promote leadership in all participants. As students represent different nations they do an in-depth study about their country's background and stand on the given topic. It helps the students develop their oratory and management skills as well. The students of our school participated in the Bhavan Vidyalaya MUN held on 2nd,3rd and 4th August.Anant SImran Singh, Gursher Dhillon, Bhavkaran Singh and Jaideep Singh represented our school Though they got a short notice to prepare themselves they were totally charged up to experience their first MUN . It was a hectic, exciting and fun filled session and the students wanted to go to the next MUN even before the first one had not ended. I had loads of memories as I saw the young law graduates who were conducting the MUN. The procedure and the detailing all reminded me of my law studies and Moot Courts we had in college. Here I was enjoying myself as a teacher with my students watching them perform. While everyone thinks of MUN as an opportunity to develop leadership and knowledge I only thought whether our students become sensitive to the global issues and are motivated to take up a good cause? I certainly believe with so much of study about different nations students learn about the unequal distribution of wealth and resources in today's world. Atleast this is going to be on my agenda when I train the students for the next MUN.